Potternet Gospel Media Ministries
Welcomes You
Potternet Gospel Media Ministries at a Glance
What is Potternet ?
The word “POTTER” itself is an abbreviation of “POINTING OTHERS TO THE ETERNAL ROAD.” POTTER points out the person to the Road that leads to eternal life. The word POTTER also mean, the one who shapes and molds and Jesus is that POTTER. In a society that is crooked and that is torn apart by the activities of the power of darkness, POTTER stands as a mediator to transform an individual, from that bondage and from the designs and snares of the Devil into the likeness of God.
The work of God is never too limited in its own way. Therefore it is broad and wide in its perspective. Therefore with the introduction of the media as a channel through which the Good News be preached, it is indeed Good News that Thousands and Lakhs of people can be reached out at a time through this medium.
It is also our earnest desire that this program be as a platform for Christian leaders and preachers, irrespective of denominations and backgrounds to testify their faiths in Jesus. Our stand is ecumenical and only one vision “TO REACH OUT THE LOST IN THIS GENERATION.” It is also an act of obedience to the Great Commission of Jesus, “To Reach out to the ends of the earth with the GOOD NEWS OF SALVTION.”
We are concerned for Souls and the Generation Next. It is also our vision to see the society changed from bad to good, from bondage to freedom. Our vision is to see that one day the society becomes the Great Kingdom of Immanuel established.
POTTER NET is a private program who is solely supported by self. There is no sponsorship or bounded by any organization or church. It is run by faith. God is the owner of this program and we are just the workers and caretakers of it. We believe God as the provider (Jehovah Jireh) who supports us through His people who have a generous heart and a passion of reaching together with us and partnering through this Program with The GOOD NEWS OF SALVATION.
1. POTTER NET needs your prayers. You can support us prayerfully through your church, groups or even individually by adding this Program in your daily prayer item. We believe Prayer is the backbone of this Program.
2. POTTER NET provides a platform for people with talents. Therefore, you can partner with us by sharing your gifts for a wider blessing.
3. You can also partner with us by introducing your Christian Music Videos, Movies, Short Plays or the like.
4. POTTER NET is investing a huge amount of money to reach out to Precious Souls. If you want to sow your seed in this Program you can do so by supporting us financially. With every rupee that you contribute you are saving souls and you are investing in that heavenly account where rust nor moths can destroy nor thieves can rob.
Baroh U Briew u Hap ban kha arsien
Ba͏r͏o͏h ͏u͏b͏a ͏l͏a ͏k͏h͏a ͏a͏r͏s͏i͏e͏n ͏u ͏h͏a͏p ͏b͏a͏n ͏i͏a͏p ͏t͏a͏n͏g ͏s͏h͏i͏s͏i͏e͏n ͏h͏y͏n͏r͏e͏i ͏b͏a͏r͏o͏h ͏u͏b͏a ͏l͏a ͏k͏h͏a ͏t͏a͏n͏g ͏s͏h͏i͏s͏i͏e͏n ͏u ͏h͏a͏p ͏b͏a͏n ͏i͏a͏p ͏a͏r͏s͏i͏e͏n.
Kaei ka jingmut jong kane ka jingthoh? U Jisu khrist u ong ha u Nikodimos (Ioannis 3: 3) “Shisha shisha nga ong ha me, lymda kha pat ia u briew, um lah ban iohi ia ka hima U Blei”.
Bad ha ka Ioannis 3:5 ) “Shisha shisha nga ong ha me, lymda kha ia u briew na ka um bad u Mynsiem, um lah ban leit hapoh ka hima U Blei.”
Kane kadei kaba la ong da U Jisu hi bad U Jisu U khlem kren kai ne shukor, U Jisu u ong shisha shisha , kaba mut ka dei beit kaba shisha namar u Blei um ju lamler kum u briew(Jingkhein 23:19).
Ban kha arsien ne ban kha pat kadei ia uwei pa uwei u briew ia uba la kha ha kane ka pyrthei. Phi lah ban ong kum u Nikodimos kumno yn lah kha biang pat ia u briew? Kumno un leit ban bsut biang sha ka kpoh ka kmie?
U Jisu khrist hangne U khlem kren shaphang ka jingkha arsien ha ka doh hynrei u kren ia ka jingkha arsien ha ka mynsiem. Baroh u briew uba la kha ha kane ka pyrthei u la leh pop. Hato don mo uno uno u briew ban ong nga khlem leh pop ne ban ieng da ka jingshlur ha khmat jong U Blei bad ong nga khlem leh pop eiei eiei ha ka jingim jong nga, nga long hok ha baroh ki jingleh ki jong nga, ngam pat ju leh pop ha ka jingim jong nga ne ngam pat ju leh sniew ha ki kam jong nga ne nga long khuid ha ki jingmut jingpyrkhat jong nga, hato don mano mano? ? Em ym don mano mano ruh uei ruh em uba janai um don. Hynrei ka ktien U Blei ka ong ba U Jisu lah shah sympat shah pynmong shah bynthiew, shah thab, U pynmih iala ka snam bad halor ka diengphna u la aiti ia la ka mynsiem bad U la iap na ka bynta jong ngi, ia uwei pa uwei u briew bad ka briew . U Jisu u lah shah ia kine baroh khang ban pynim ia ngi bad ban pyllait ia ngi na ka jingshah teh shah khum jong ka pop. U la shim ia ka pop ki jong ngi baroh ha lade bad U la ai noh ka jinglong hok jong U ha ngi (2 Korinth 5 :21).
Jingpynpaw 20:6 “Uba suk bad uba khuid long uta don ka bynta ha kata ka Jingmihpat kaba nyngkong: halor kine kata ka jingiap ka ba-ar kam don bor shuh.”
Hebru 9:27 ‘Te kumba la buh ha ki briew ban iap tang shisien bad hadien kane ka wan ka jingbishar.” Baroh u briew u hap ban iap ym don uba nud ban ong ngan im junom, bad kane kadei ka jingiap ha ka doh, kata ka jingiap kaba nyngkong.
Kane kadei ia U bangeit ne ia u bym pat ngeit ha U Jisu hap beit ban iap.
Jingpynpaw 21:8 “Hynrei ia kita kiba sheptieng bad kibym ngeit, bad ia kiba ijli, bad ia kiba pyniap bad ia kiba kyreit, bad ia kiba ai ksuid, bad ia kiba mane bleithaw, bad ia kita baroh kiba lamler, ka bynta jong ki kan long ha kata ka pung ka ding bad da u kyndok: kaba long ka jingiap kaba-ar.
Ka ktien U Blei ka kren shai halor ka jingiap kaba-ar kaba long ha ka pung ka ding. Mano ban don ha kata ka ta ka jingiap kaba –arsien kita kiba ym pat shym la kha arsien, kiba kyntait ia U Jisu Khrist kum nongpynim bad ia ka Gospel U Jisu Khrist(2 Thessaloni 1:8). Hynrei ia kiba lah kha Arsien ha U Jisu khrist kin iap tang shisien kata ha ka doh (lada U Jisu um pat wan ban shaw). Hynrei kita bym treh ban kha arsien ha U Jisu kin iap arsien kata ha ka doh nyngkong bad kaba ar ha ka mynsiem ha ka pung ka ding.
Ka Jingkylli kaba kongsan duh ha ka jingim jong phi Shano phin leit ynda phi la leit noh na kane ka pyrthei??? Sha bneng ne sha dujok?? Lada phi tip ba ym pat shym la kha ha ka mynsiem jong phi ha U Jisu Khrist, to kha noh mynta da kaba phi pdiang ia U Jisu Khrist ha ka dohnud jong phi.
Rom 10:9-10 ‘Ba lada men phla shynna da la ka shyntur ia U Jisu ba u long U Trai, bad men ngeit ha Ia ka dohnud ba U Blei U la pynmih pat ia u na kiba iap, yn pynim ia me. Namar da ka dohnud kein u briew u ngeit ia kaban ioh ia ka hok, bad da ka shyntur kein ba phla shynna ia kaban ioh ka jingpynim.
Khot ia U Jisu Khrist ha ka jingim jong phi te phin im sha ki bymjukut.
Hato phin khot ia U Jisu Khrist mynta??
We Thank God that we have crossed 2000 episodes let us look back to our 1000 episode in a talk
PotterNet Celebrating 11th Year
What is PotterNet Gospel Media Ministries?
Contact Potternet Gospel Media Ministries
Upper Nongthymmai Nongkhriem Shillong India 793014